Monday, September 24, 2007

A very nice quote about Dream Job

"Most of us spend our time over in the red circle doing stuff someone will pay us to do. If you're lucky, you spend your time in-between them, doing stuff you're good at also. Sometimes something comes along that puts you right in that sweet spot and you have to go for it. Will this be my dream job? Could be, I don't know, but if it's not, it might get me a lot closer." -

Do you have a dream job ? I have one. Humm... I'm wishing I'm on the middle spot.
Sooner or later I must achieve my dream job.. next year is my first step (I hope) eventhough I'm not in game development business, but I'll try to convince my next bos to do some development in games for education especially simulation games.

How about You ? Do you have your dream job ? you should have one & persuit them.

Cheers ^^


Anonymous said...

Pembawa acara "jalan sutera" versi online


Anonymous said...

huehue gpp drpd "jalan" diganti "kama" nanti itu kudu dikategorikan ke blog laen hehe

Anonymous said...

Dream Jobs :-?