Wednesday, June 4, 2008

SCRATCH : Even kids can make game now !

This morning i read my mail from gamesandeducation mailinglist and i got an interesting info about this SCRATCH software. SCRATCH is developed by MIT and it's free a.k.a gratis, u can find more info about it here SCRATCH is a software to make simulation or games without any coding, but u have to know about the basics of algorithm. It's so fun, u only have to click and drag the blocks of code chunks like conditionals, loops, and events, etc.

Here i'll show u the blocks

The learning curve is quite fast and easy if u know basics of algorithm or how it works, it looks very similiar to pseudocode ^^ for makin a program. I managed to learn and create a simple game in an hour. Here's some screenshot

The game is really simple, the cat is movin up and down (randomly) and we must save the mouse ?? hehe by pressing the space button at the right time !

u should try it !! because even a kid can make a game using SCRATCH ^^

next post i'll give you direction about how to use this software ^^.

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