The game is about celebrating the next Christmas by giving Greeting cards to the IDC Binus staff within 30 seconds. Be sure to make it in time! Enjoy the game and Merry Christmas ho ho ho..
my first xna very simple game - space shooting, adopting from Beginning XNA game programming 2.0 with some modification on chapter 3.
here's the code feel free to modify and do some trial error
Sometimes you dont want your engine used by other, so why dont use watermark ?
add this snippet to your engine/gui/core/ on void GuiCanvas::renderFrame(bool preRenderOnly, bool bufferSwap /* = true */) exactly after
if (cursorON && mouseCursor && mShowCursor)
Point2I pos((S32)cursorPt.x, (S32)cursorPt.y);
Point2I spot = mouseCursor->getHotSpot();
pos -= spot;
This is the code, and after adding this you should rebuild the engine.
// enable/disable watermark ?
bool WT = true;
// get the default profile for text
GuiControlProfile *mtProfile;
mtProfile = NULL;
// Ok lets check to see if that worked
if( !mtProfile ) {
SimObject *obj = Sim::findObject( "GuiDefaultProfile" );
if( obj )
mtProfile = dynamic_cast(obj);
// changed the text into your watermark text
const char* wtText = "TGE Licenced HD";
ColorF mForegroundColor;
mForegroundColor.set( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
ColorI mFillColor;
//Vars used:
//Screensize (for position check)
//Offset to get position of cursor
//textBounds for text extent.
Point2I offset;
Point2I textBounds;
S32 textWidth = mtProfile->mFont->getStrWidth(renderTip);
//Create text bounds.
textBounds.x = textWidth+8;
textBounds.y = mtProfile->mFont->getHeight() + 4;
//Offset below cursor image
offset.y = size.y - textBounds.y - 10;
offset.x = size.x - textBounds.x - 10;
// Set rectangle for the box, and set the clip rectangle.
RectI rect(offset, textBounds);
dglDrawRectFill(rect, mFillColor);
dglDrawRect( rect, mFillColor );
// Draw the text centered in the tool tip box
dglSetBitmapModulation( mForegroundColor );
Point2I start;
start.set( ( textBounds.x - textWidth) / 2, ( textBounds.y - mtProfile->mFont->getHeight() ) / 2 );
dglDrawText( mtProfile->mFont, start + offset, wtText, mtProfile->mFontColors );
// end hd watermark
// free the pointer ?
mtProfile = NULL;
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Testing.h"
#include "IntelGamingTDKAPI.h"
using namespace std;
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define SET_CRT_DEBUG_FIELD(a) \
_CrtSetDbgFlag((a) _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG))
_CrtSetDbgFlag(~(a) & _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG))
#define SET_CRT_DEBUG_FIELD(a) ((void) 0)
#define CLEAR_CRT_DEBUG_FIELD(a) ((void) 0)
void Testing::Feature()
IntelLaptopGamingTDKInterface *IGT = IntelLaptopGamingTDKInterface::GetTDKInterface();
* Is this a laptop ??
cout << "\nIS LAPTOP ? " <<>IsLaptop();
* Get number of core on per physical processor
cout << "\nCPU CORE ? " <<>GetNumCoresPerProcessor();
* Get total number of processors as seen by OS
cout << "\nCPU COUNT ? " <GetNumProcessors();
// and just try the other methods..
// Memory leaks checking
// 6 mem leaks because pointers on heap aren't deleted till function
// exits. We call this function before the pointers go out of scope.
I use VC 2005 for the compiler.
Following are the steps to compile your code using this API.
Have fun and cheers.
Day 2 changed lcd to crt monitors :D added some IFL(Image File Lists) animation for the screens. added chairs and put some pc's on the tables. and make the scene more toonish using outline mod.
Hehe cant wait till tomorrow !!
Veeery low poly !!!
The learning curve is quite fast and easy if u know basics of algorithm or how it works, it looks very similiar to pseudocode ^^ for makin a program. I managed to learn and create a simple game in an hour. Here's some screenshot
The game is really simple, the cat is movin up and down (randomly) and we must save the mouse ?? hehe by pressing the space button at the right time !
u should try it !! because even a kid can make a game using SCRATCH ^^
next post i'll give you direction about how to use this software ^^.